
Who am I?

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This activity consists in guessing what fruit or vegetable the students represent by asking questions that can only be answered by yes or no.

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Olé Guacamole!

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Accompanied by crackers, this guacamole will be a hit with students at snack time! This activity was conceived by Les ateliers cinq Épices, in collaboration with the Health Challenge.

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Survivor Island

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The goal of this game is to work as a team to survive a crash on a desert island through fun activities. This activity was created by Cardio Plein Air, in […]

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Make the tree greener

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This activity consists of a collective art project: a green leaf stuck by the students in a tree for each of their active trips. Over time, the tree will become a […]

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Melon & Feta Cheese Salad

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A delicious salty-sweet salad full of flavors for the students to discover! This activity was prepared by Les ateliers cinq Épices, in collaboration with the Health Challenge.

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Quiz: Are you a fruit and vegetable expert?

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This is a game in which two teams compete by answering questions featuring fruits and vegetables. Riddles, fruity expressions, charades… Get ready to test your knowledge!

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Magic Trick! Colored pasta

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Here is science that is eaten! Have fun coloring your rice vermicelli and enjoy them!

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Active Snakes and Ladders

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 Here is an activity that consists of playing snakes and ladders and performing active mini challenges throughout the game.

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What time is it, Mr. Wolf?

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Here is an activity themed Ants in your pants! This game promotes transitions for students. This activity comes from the Banque de jeux coopératifs pour les services de garde – Commission scolaire […]

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Relay Game : Boomerang

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This activity is a relay race to be performed in the schoolyard or in the gym. It comes from the Répertoire de jeux actifs pour la cour d’École, Régie régionale […]

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